Attendee Code of Conduct

General Rules

The event space hosting LSFC is open to the public, and all attendees are expected to conform to standards of public behavior. This means: 

  • Being respectful to all guests and attendees 
  • Disposing of waste and recyclable materials in their designated containers 
  • Maintaining an acceptable volume as not to disturb others 
  • Adhering to all rules of LSFC and the hosting venue, visibly posted or otherwise 
  • Maintaining appropriate attire 
  • Sleeping in public spaces 

All function spaces should maintain a PG atmosphere at all times with the exception of expressly flagged events or exhibits. These events/exhibits will be clearly marked with appropriate signage. Actions or behavior judged by LSFC to be detrimental to safety, other attendees, or the operations of the event are not allowed. 


The event venue expressly prohibits any posting of signs, fliers, notices, stickers, etc. on all walls, doors, and in elevators. Lone Star Fur Con will provide one or more message boards and flyer tables in our convention space for posting notes, signs, and flyers by our attendees. Any flyers, signs, notices, or other items posted in prohibited areas will be removed upon discovery. 

Membership and Attendance

Every Member of Lone Star FurCon (LSFC) agrees to abide by the Attendee Code of Conduct as a part of the conditions of attendance. The following policies ensure that both you and those around you have a safe and enjoyable experience. This code of conduct applies to all members of LSFC at all event premises regardless of whether the event has begun or ended. 

All LSFC function spaces are reserved for our members. 

All membership to Lone Star Fur Con is non-transferable. Refunds for LSFC will be handled on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the Refund Policy. 

Badges must be worn while on event grounds and will be required for admission. A badge is only valid for the person to whom it was issued and may not be shared for any reason. All event badges are the sole property of LSFC for the duration of the event and must be presented and/or surrendered to LSFC staff upon request. 

All attendees  LSFC will be required to present government-issued photo ID at registration which clearly states their full legal name and date of birth. Examples of valid photo identification include: photo ID issued by DPS or DMV office, driver’s license, military ID, passport, etc. Examples of IDs that are NOT valid include: school ID, employee ID or any other ID that is either not issued by the government or not a photo ID with full legal name and date of birth. Any person who does not present such photo ID will not be allowed to complete registration or be granted a convention badge of membership. 

Any person who provides a forged photo ID will be remanded to the custody of the local police. 

Convention attendees must wear their official convention badge while in public convention areas. Attendees must present their badge to Convention Staff, Hotel Staff or Law Enforcement officials for inspection upon request. Your badge will contain a name of your choosing (subject to staff approval), as well as a unique number. Altering convention badges in such a manner as to obscure any of these elements renders the badge unusable. If your badge becomes unusable or is lost, a replacement may be purchased at a rate of $10.00 U.S. per badge. 

Any person found using a counterfeit badge, using a badge not belonging to them, or making copies of their badge for others will have their membership permanently revoked and will not be permitted to attend subsequent events. 

Dress Code

Dress code requirements during Lone Star Fur Con are as follows: 

  • Attendees must wear top and bottom coverings which properly cover chest and pelvic areas.
  • Shoes must be worn at all times for safety purposes.
  • Clothing with displays of obscene or vulgar messages and imagery are not permitted. All clothing worn must meet common standards of public decency.
  • Any attire that gives the appearance of being military or law enforcement is prohibited, with the sole exception being currently serving military or law enforcement personnel who may wear their duty uniforms. “Tactical” gear is not permitted. 
  • Lone Star Fur Con staff may require attendees to alter their attire if it is determined to be inappropriate. 
  • Pup hoods are allowed if worn in conjunction with all other dress code rules.
  • Public display of any fetish gear including, but not limited to, leashes
  • Any form-fitting clothing that displays or otherwise fails to properly obscure genitalia such as latex garments or intentionally exposed/suggestive undergarments may be required to be covered with an additional layer of clothing.

Photography and Media

Photographic or video media coverage is prohibited in any convention controlled areas. This includes, but is not limited to, any and all ballrooms, conference rooms and other spaces reserved by Lone Star Fur Con. Attendees must also give written consent to being photographed and/or videotaped in any public space at the convention hotel location by the press and the written consent must be kept on file for a minimum of one year. If any attendee declines to consent to this, then any kind of broadcast or publication is not permitted by any media outlet. It is also not permissible to photograph or videotape from any public space into any convention controlled space.

  • If a member of the press is found by any attendee, they should immediately contact a staff member, who will present said individual(s) with a written copy of Lone Star Fur Con’s Press Policy and information about Lone Star Fur Con.
  • No photographs or video of Lone Star Fur Con may be used for any commercial purpose or financial gain without prior written consent from Anthro Outreach LLC. Any personal photographs or video taken at Lone Star Fur Con and used in a manner that LSFC feels is in violation of this Code of Conduct must be removed immediately upon request. 


Minors who will be ages 16 or 17 at the time of registration check-in may attend Lone Star Fur Con without a parent if:

  • they present government-issued photo ID stating their legal name and birth dateAND
  • they present a signed and notarized Parental Consent For Minor To Attend Lone Star Fur Con form (available for download from the Registration page).

Minors who will be ages 16 and 17 at time of registration check-in who do not present government-issued photo ID stating the legal name and birth date or do not have a complete Parental Consent For Minor To Attend Lone Star Fur Con  form at Registration may register, but must register with and be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at all times in any official convention spaces including, but not limited to, the Dealer’s Den, Artist Alley, Art Show, Con Suite, Corral, Art Show, all panels and dances. Parents and guardians will be held responsible for damage or problems caused by their minors. 

Children who will be under the age of 16 at time of registration check-in are not required to present government-issued photo ID, but must register with and be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at all times in any official convention area including, but not limited to, the Dealer’s Den, Con Suite, Art Show, all panels and dances. Parents and guardians will be held responsible for damage or problems caused by their children. 

Bullying and Harassment

Harassment of any sort will not be tolerated. We define this as any unwelcome conduct that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment which may or may not interfere with an individual’s participation and enjoyment of LSFC and associated activities. This may include but is not limited to, derogatory comments, unwanted advances, intimidation, threats, or physical assault. 

Please contact staff for assistance if any issues arise. 

Alcohol, Nicotine, and Controlled Substances

Any usage, sale or possession of illegal or non-prescribed controlled substances will constitute cause to revoke membership of those involved and will be reported to the local authorities.

Weapons and Replicas

No weapons or realistic prop weapons are allowed, even if they are part of a costume. Clearly fictional weapons may be allowed at the discretion of LSFC staff; please contact staff if you have questions about a prop weapon.

Because of potential damage to property, items including but not limited to silly string, paintball guns, water guns or any similar devices are not allowed within the hotel at any time.

No form of any firearm real or otherwise is allowed inside the event.


Staff members will be wearing special badges, lanyards, or other clearly visible signifiers to indicate their status. If you have a problem, please alert a member of staff to the issue. 

If any Lone Star Fur Con staff or security member deems it necessary to revoke any attendee’s badge, that attendee must surrender their convention badge to said staff or security member and leave Lone Star Fur Con convention spaces immediately. Also, the attendee will not be entitled to any manner of refund or compensation for the price of their badge. This includes all levels of registration. 

Dispute Resolution

If you feel that you have been treated unfairly by a member of Staff or Security or another attendee, you may take the matter up with the security staff or the Convention Chairman. 

Room Parties

While Lone Star Fur Con wholeheartedly endorses get-togethers, meet-ups and other gatherings, it is imperative that any materials used to advertise these events be tasteful and posted in an area in such a manner wherein no damage will be caused to the hotel. Lone Star Fur Con reserves the right to remove any posted notices that are considered inappropriate. At no time may any sign, flyer, or sticker be affixed to a wall, door, or window of the hotel.

All parties at which alcohol is served or consumed must verify that every person attending the party is 21 years of age or older by checking government-issued photo IDs. Any party found serving alcohol to or allowing consumption of alcohol by anyone under the age of 21 will be shut down immediately.

Lone Star Fur Con accepts no liability for whatever may occur within private hotel rooms. Incidents that occur in these rooms are the sole responsibility of the individual to whom the room is rented. This includes payment for all damage, responsibility for complaints levied against the room, and any other issues that may arise. Please note that if a situation should occur that may present a threat to the convention and/or its attendees, Lone Star Fur Con has a responsibility to report it to the proper authorities. 

Pets and Service Animals

Trained and certified ADA-compliant service animals are welcome in all areas of the hotel and LSFC convention spaces. Personal pets and emotional support animals not certified as ADA-compliant are prohibited throughout the hotel and convention space. Any animal deemed to pose a potential danger to property, staff, or other attendees will be removed immediately. 


Anyone who accepts a badge agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Lone Star Fur Con and Anthro Outreach from any claim for personal injuries or other damages or equity arising out of any individual’s activities at Lone Star Fur Con, even if such injury or damage is caused by negligence by or on the part of Lone Star Fur Con or Anthro Outreach.


Lone Star Fur Con reserves the right to deny or revoke attendance at any time for any reason.


Lone Star Fur Con reserves the right to amend these rules without prior or posted notice.